Day 3 Of Bringing Down Jericho Walls – This Spirit Has Been Assigned To Make You Give Up & Forsake Your Destiny … We Must Stop It Now!

Dear Child of God,

For the last couple days we have been talking about Achan, a man so full of jealousy and bitterness that he was determined to bring down Joshua. After Joshua’s first victory in the Promised Land, the city of Jericho had been conquered, and God gave them one instruction not to take anything for themselves; their first capture must be dedicated to God. But one man ignored Joshua and not only did he take some of the gold and silver, but a garment of Shinar. 

Child of God, we learned that that garment was a garment of witchcraft. The moment he went and buried it in the ground, the whole tribe of Israel became accursed. 

Israel has sinned; they have transgressed my covenant that I commanded them; they have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen and lied and put them among their own belongings. Therefore the people of Israel cannot stand before their enemies. They turn their backs before their enemies, because they have become devoted for destruction. I will be with you no more, unless you destroy the devoted things from among you.(Joshua 7:11-12)

Achan wasn’t an idiot; his name meant trouble maker. For years he had walked around with bitterness and jealousy towards Joshua. Historians tell us he was about 19 years old when God cut off all the Israelites 20 years and older from entering the promise land. He watched all his family, his father, his mother, his uncles, etc. die off in the wilderness, while Joshua carried on after Moses. 

And so now he thought he had a chance to bring down Joshua. By burying that evil garment in the ground, he knew Joshua wouldn’t be able to stand against his enemies. It was only the grace of God that he didn’t go out to battle with Ai; otherwise he could have been struck down. 

But child of God, something else happened when that garment was taken and buried in the camp of Israel. 

After Joshua heard the news about how they were defeated and slayed at Ai, he fell to his knees before God. But this time it wasn’t out of humility, it was out of discouragement and despair.  

Then Joshua tore his clothes and fell to the earth on his face before the ark of the Lord until the evening, he and the elders of Israel. And they put dust on their heads. (Joshua 7:6)

This time Joshua was not operating in faith, but he was operating in fear and doubt. He was beginning to blame himself. Now he was regretting entering the Promise Land, suddenly he forgot about the victory at Jericho, he was lost for words, he thought it was over.  

And Joshua said, “Alas, O Lord God, why have you brought this people over the Jordan at all, to give us into the hands of the Amorites, to destroy us? Would that we had been content to dwell beyond the Jordan!(Joshua 7:8)

But Achan knew exactly what he was doing. He knew if he could get Joshua to turn against himself, to start doubting himself, that the job was as good as done. 


Child of God, when you have an Achan in your life they will send you a lying spirit of discouragement, to remind you of all the mistakes you have made, to tell you that you are a nobody. Suddenly you hear a voice saying ‘Look at you you are such a failure, nothing ever works for you, why don’t you just give up’. This lying spirit keeps telling you don’t deserve this, you are useless, you’re never going to make it. When you have this lying spirit, suddenly you begin to reject yourself, you begin to self-destruct. 

But today every garment of discouragement that Achan has activated over your life it must die by fire! 

Discouragement is so dangerous. When a man or woman gets discouraged they begin to doubt God, they begin to forsake and fight against their own destiny. 

But every plan of the devil, every lying spirit that has been speaking to you, telling you that you are a nobody, that you are a failure, that you’re not good enough because of your mistakes, that you can never succeed, today I speak to that lie, I speak to that baggage, I speak to that discouragement, I command it to die by fire. 

You must decide to walk boldly before the throne of grace, don’t cast away your confidence. Yes you may have made mistakes but it’s God that has called and will perfect you. Just keep moving forward, thanking God for his grace. Keep reaching out for him. As long as you stay in that place you will move from favour to favour, blessing to blessing. 

But as long as you are wearing that garment of discouragement you cannot stand before your enemies because already you have been weakened. It will stop your progress just like Joshua. That is why this week, I heard in my spirit that every discouragement has been devoted to destruction. It must die by fire!

Today I want you to write and fill the prayer agreement form with all the areas where you have been feeling and experiencing discouragement. It could be in the area of your relationships, your finances, your health, your children, your destiny, wherever you have been feeling like giving up, like you’re not good enough, like you should just settle for less than what you know God has for you. I’m going to print that list and put it on the Wall of Jericho table here in the sanctuary. This week every discouragement must die by fire! As you do that, remember to sow your seed of faith according to the number 7. This week the Lord spoke to me that we must continue to give every day according to the number 49 (7 x 7) for Divine Completion. Whatever issues you have been facing, as they go on that table, they are going to come down completely in Jesus name. You can also give willingly as you can afford, so long that it includes the number 7.

I’ve also included for you below “18 Powerful Prayers Against Every Garment of Discouragement!” You Must Pray Daily & Connect With Me Each Evening @8PM UK Time on or



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(Scripture Joshua 7:1-18 & Isaiah 61:3) 

(Remember you can always edit/fill in certain prayer points to apply to your personal life) 

1. l take authority over all the principalities, against every ruler, against all powers of darkness and every spiritual wickedness in high places. Satan the blood of Jesus is against you. I bind you; l break its powers; I command you to die by fire 

2. I take authority over every garment of destruction that I have inherited from my father’s house/ from my mother’s house. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

3. I take authority over every garment of destruction that has been assigned to kill and destroy my life. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

4. I take authority over every garment of destruction that has been assigned upon my finances, my career/business, and my family. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

5. I take authority over every garment of destruction that has been assigned upon my health. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

6. I take authority over every garment of destruction that has been assigned upon my children. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

7. I take authority over every garment of destruction that has been assigned upon my home. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

8. I take authority over every Achan that wants to turn me against myself through witchcraft. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

9. I take authority over every Achan who is planning my downfall. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

10. Every Achan of discouragement causing death in my relationship/marriage. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

11. Every Achan of discouragement causing death in my body. I bind you; I rebuke you; I remove it; I command you to die by fire. 

12. Every Achan of discouragement causing death in my education. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

13. Every arrow of destruction that has been sent my way to discourage me in my church. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

14. Every arrow of destruction that has been sent my way to discourage me in working place. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

15. Every arrow of destruction that has been send my way to discourage me and my family. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

16. I take authority over every garment of destruction assigned upon my calling, breakthrough and favour. I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

17. Every spirit of discouragement in my mind. I bind you; I rebuke you; I remove you; I command you to die by fire. 

18. Every Jericho wall of discouragement, I tear it down, in the name of Jesus. 



Every Wall of Impossibility Must Come Down! Join Me Prophet Climate for 7 Days of Power, 7 Days of Breakthrough, 7 Days of Miracles, 7 Days of Wonders, & 7 Days of Tremendous Growth. Mark the Date & Get Ready for 7 Instructions that will unlock 7 Uncommon Blessings In Your Life! 


Yours In Prophecy, 

Prophet Climate

2 thoughts on “Day 3 Of Bringing Down Jericho Walls – This Spirit Has Been Assigned To Make You Give Up & Forsake Your Destiny … We Must Stop It Now!”

  1. Every evil spirit and wicked garment from Achan being used against my life, finances and relationships be destroyed now in Jesus name

    1. Bishop Climate

      Dear Shyneka

      according to the Word Of God Matthew 18:19 I am in agreement with you in Jesus Name

      Call me for Prayers
      Prophet Climate

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