How To Break The Curse Of Short Opportunities

Breaking The Curse of Short Opportunities

Have you ever wondered or asked yourself what has been the source of sudden loss of income, marriage, relationship, business, illness, premature death or lack of fertility in your family? What would you discover if you trace back your family tree and observe how the journey of child birth was evolving throughout every generation? Was the family growing? Or getting smaller? How many children are there in your current generation? How many children were there in the generation before you? Are you the only child in your family? What about your own desires towards the growth of your own family tree? Are you planning to form your own family or maybe you have been feeling like you don’t want to get married? Do you feel a sense of internal resistance when it comes to marriage and childbirth? All of these things and so many more can be the result of short opportunities.
Not wanting to extend your family tree, not wanting to continue your generation, premature death in the family, this is exactly what the curse of short opportunities does. They cause your family to stop from growing.

What are short opportunities and what can they bring to?

The curse of short opportunities is a life cut short. It could result into marriage opportunities cut short , good career opportunities cut short, business opportunities cut short,

A curse of short opportunities is a life that has been stopped before it was due to terminate. A curse of short opportunities is a family ripped off the continuation of the generation and off the God given blessings. We can witness that happening in Daniel 11:4 After he has arisen, his empire will be broken up and parceled out toward the four winds of heaven. It will not go to his descendants, nor will it have the power he exercised, because his empire will be uprooted and given to others.

Anything that is stopped from growing the way it is supposed to be growing by God’s given will, it is a result of short opportunities. Premature death can be caused by short opportunities.
A variety of heart diseases, chronicle diseases and a wide variety of illnesses can be caused as a result of short opportunities.

What can be the cause of short opportunities?

  1. Demonic spells
  2. Witchcraft
  3. Jealousy and envy
  4. Short opportunities can be a result of generational curses.
  5. Short opportunities can bring to the curse of lack of child birth.
  6. Short opportunities can bring to the lack of the continuation of a generation.
  7. Insecurity can be a source to premature death and cause short opportunities.
  8. Complete exposure of the life of one to the outside world can be a source of jealousy and bring to curses and spells what as a result can cause short opportunities.

When a generational curse isn’t stopped, every curse and spell put on a family will continue from generation to generation and get worse, leading to the termination and extinction of a family. A short opportunity can cause an entire line of a family to carry the same burden of lack of fertility, unstable or insecure family life what can result into being unable to find your life partner and forming a family. Short opportunities can be acquired during the lifetime by curses and spells that others will bring on you as a result of envy. How many times have you showed a bit too much of what you own or the joy you and your friends or relatives share and all of this  was caught by just one person with a bad or an envious eye in your surrounding? That alone can bring a curse. We never know what one carries in their heart.

We can see a very strong example to this in Isaiah 39:4 Then said he, What have they seen in thine house? And Hezekiah answered, All that is in mine house have they seen: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewed them. Isaiah 39:5 Then said Isaiah to Hezekiah, Hear the word of the Lord of hosts: Isaiah 39:6 Behold, the days come, that all that is in thine house, and that which thy fathers have laid up in store until this day, shall be carried to Babylon: nothing shall be left, saith the Lord.

We must learn that not everything in our lives is to be exposed and showed to the outside world, for that it must be protected.

How to break the curse of short opportunities?

The curse of short opportunities can be broken with prayer and fasting. Any form of premature death, loss  of job,  career, business , marriage, sudden loss of life partner or  relationships, illness, lack of child birth, lack of family growth can be removed with the correct advice and prayer. Don’t let it continue into another generation and claim your life, the life given to you by God.

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1. I take authority over all the powers, all the principalities, every ruler and every evil spirit in high places, Satan the blood of Jesus is against you, I bind you, I break its powers; I command you to die by fire.

2. Every spirit of death that has been assigned to destroy my life. I bind you; I command you to die by fire.

3. Every spirit of accident that has been assigned to cut short my financial opportunities. I bind you, I break its powers; I command you to die by fire.

4. Every spirit of bad luck that has been assigned to cut short my marriage. I bind you, I break your powers; I command you to die by fire.

5. Every spirit that has been assigned to cut short my financial flow. I bind you, I break your powers; I command you to die by fire.

6. Every spirit that has been assigned to cut short my career opportunities. I bind you, I

break your power; I command you to die by fire.

7. Every spirit of bad lack that has been assigned to attract accident and failure in my life. I bind you, I break your power; I command you to die by fire.

8. Ever spirit of bad lack that has been appointed over my household. Today, I command you to vacate in the name of Jesus Christ.

9. Father God wash me and my family with your blood from every known and unknown sin in the name of Jesus.

10. May the Blood of Jesus deliver me and my family from bad luck and lost opportunities in the name of Jesus.

11. Every spirit of bad luck in my life and family be destroyed today/tonight in the

name of Jesus.

12. Every root and foundation of bad luck in my life and family die in the name of Jesus.

13. I take authority over every garment of bad luck and rejection, burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.

14. I take authority over every strongman of bad luck attached to my life and family, die in the name of Jesus. I bind you, I break your power; I command you to die by fire.

15. Itakeauthorityoveranytreeofbadluckplantedinmylifeandfamily,beuprooted by fire in the name of Jesus.

16. I take authority over every bad luck in my life, bad luck of my family, break your powers by fire, in the name of Jesus. Every name that constitutes bad luck against my destiny, I receive a new name tonight.

17. I take authority over any arrow of bad luck fired into my life and family, backfire now in the name of Jesus.

18. Every yoke of bad luck in my life break by fire in the name of Jesus.

19. I decree and declare that I receive back every good thing I have lost to the spirit of bad luck in the name of Jesus.

20. You particular spirits that keep me away from my opportunities, divine timings, places and people of my blessings, I bind and overthrow all of you, right now in Jesus name.

21. You particular spirits that keep me away from my opportunities, divine timings, places and people of my blessings, I bind and overthrow all of you right now in Jesus


22. I decree and declare you spirit of misfortune around me, receive the arrow of fire in

Jesus name.

23. Father God change my name and my fortunes, from bad luck to good luck in Jesus name.

24. Every chain of bad luck in marriage, business, career, finances and health holding me down for years, die, in the name of Jesus.

25. Every power that wants my efforts to turn against me, I pull you down, in the name

of Jesus.

26. (Lay your right hand on your forehead and say this)” from now on, I am free from the spirit of bad luck. I shall not walk into bad luck. I will not walk in to my death, my life shall be easy. I shall see positive changes in my life. Every bad luck in my life is converting to success and victory in Jesus name.

27. Every evil perfumes of bad luck around my face, life, I receive total purification in the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name

28. You bad luck that has turn my blessings to a curse, release me and catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

29. I separate myself from the spirit of bad luck in my family line, in the name of Jesus.

30. I command my legs to carry me to the places of my blessing and progress. I recover

everything that I have lost to the spirit of bad luck, in the name of Jesus.

31. Every sickness assigned to cut my life short. Die from the root now, in the name of


32. Every spell of bad luck assigned to deprive my joy and happiness of old age, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

33. I declare that I shall not die by live to declare the glory of God.


Praying for your Success, Prophet Climate Wiseman


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2 thoughts on “How To Break The Curse Of Short Opportunities”

  1. These 21 days of fasting and praying are incredible!The presence of God,miracles,wisdom and revelations .Amazing ! Thank you Lord for your Prophet .Give him more strength and more wisdom power and revelation

    1. Well done pastor I see great opportunities happening for you this year. Use the prayer points that i have send you.

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