The Grand Finale !!! Day 7 Of Bringing Down Jericho Walls – Tonight This Garment Must Be Torn & Thrown In The Fire… !

Dear Child of God,

We have come to the finale of Bringing Down Jericho Walls, tonight all your walls must fall and die by fire! Yes, every demonic garment of witchcraft, every demonic garment of discouragement, of sickness & incurable disease, of poverty & lack, and of uncleanness is coming off of your life for good. 

But now there is one last thing we need to deal with. Yesterday I mentioned that spiritual garments are much more important than the physical garments we wear. In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were walking around without clothes, yet they didn’t realise they were actually naked until the moment they listened to the serpent and they sinned. Suddenly they felt the need to cover up their private parts. Where there was once glory and perfection, now there was shame and imperfection. 

Then the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves apronlike girdles. (Genesis 3:7)

It is this garment of shame that we must deal with today. This is the garment that destroys marriages, that destroys relationships, that destroys and cuts off destinies. You see when someone puts a garment of shame and disgrace upon you, suddenly instead of people seeing your strengths they only see your weaknesses. Instead of seeing all the things that are great about you, now they are focusing on all the bad things. 

Before Adam and Eve were tempted in the garden, they were naked but yet they were not ashamed. Everything about them was a miracle and something to celebrate. They were busy enjoying each other as man and wife. As long as they were walking in that garment of glory, they were prospering, they were successful. But when satan stripped them of their garment and put on them a garment of shame, suddenly Adam had to find something to cover up his wife; to cover up himself. The next thing they knew they were being kicked out of their home; life became a struggle. 

Child of God, when your enemy wants to mess up your marriage or relationship through witchcraft, this is how they do it. When your enemy wants to mess up your career, this is how they do it. By covering you with a garment of shame and disgrace, people just begin to pinpoint your weakness. Suddenly you are required to answer for everything. Everybody begins to meddle in your business. 


Sometimes your enemies can get so jealous about you, when they see your potential, they read your star, they see what you are about to do and become, and then in a moment of weakness they cast that garment upon you and suddenly your life is just filled with disgrace. 

Child of God, I’ve seen many men and women who come from great families; they were raised with great expectations but because of a garment of shame and disgrace they went and made a decision that their family is now paying for the rest of their lives. Instead of lifting their family up, they become the black sheep. 

But Today! Today things are about to change forever. Yes, I see that garment of shame and disgrace you have been carrying around, we are about to rip it off and throw it into the fire, never to resurrect again! 

I see God is about to rid you of that garment, and instead He’s going to give you a garment of grace, a garment of mercy. 

For 25 years Abraham had no children, a great man yet he was faced with the reality of having to leave everything to his servant. But when God covered him with a garment of mercy, an old man ended up conceiving a son and birthing a legacy. 

When you are walking with that garment of shame, favour and blessing just dries up. Everything from career, to health, to relationships, to finances, it all becomes a struggle. But today the end has come. You will not suffer like the rest of your family. I see in the realm of the spirit God is about to remove that garment of shame and clothe you with a garment of mercy and grace. 

Yes, your greatest enemy is about to celebrate you. I see in your relationship you are about to become so important, so celebrated. In your working place, I see your star shining. 

Right now I need you to send me your prayer agreement form of all the areas where you have been facing this shame and disgrace. Send me all the areas of your life where people have just been focusing on your weaknesses instead of your strengths. 

As I print your list off for the final time, today the priests and I are going to walk around it 7 times. After that I’m going to throw it in the fire this evening. Child of God, every garment that you have been carrying which has been causing shame and disgrace, which has been causing people to underestimate you all the time, to underappreciate you, it’s going to die by fire! And in it’s place, God is about to restore you all the years that the enemy has stolen. Yes everything that you have lost as a result of wearing that garment, I see a garment of grace that is about to bring it all back in Jesus name! Please send me your list now, I need it quickly for we have already begun. 

As you do that, remember to sow your final seed of faith according to the number 7. This week the Lord spoke to me that we must continue to give every day according to the number 49 (7 x 7) for Divine Completion. Whatever issues you have been facing, tonight they will be thrown in the fire and they are going to come down completely in Jesus name. You can also give willingly as you can afford, so long that it includes the number 7.

I’ve also included for you below “24 Powerful Prayers Against Every Garment of Shame & Disgrace!” You Must Pray Daily & Connect With Me Each Evening @8PM UK Time on or



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 (Scripture: Genesis 2:1-9 & 18-25 & Genesis 3:3-21) 

(Remember you can always edit/fill in certain prayer points to apply to your personal life) 

1. l take authority over all the principalities, against every ruler, against all powers of darkness and every spiritual wickedness in high places. Satan the blood of Jesus is against you. I bind you; l break its powers; I command you to die by fire. 

2. I take authority over every garment of shame and disgrace that I have inherited from my father’s house/ from my mother’s house, I command you to die by fire 

3. Every garment of shame and disgrace that has opened doors of failure in my life; I bind you; I command you to die by fire. 

4. Every spirit of witchcraft that wants to exchange my glory for shame and disgrace, today I command you to die by fire. 

5. Every evil schemer around my life, around my family, planning to turn my glory to shame and disgrace, today I command you to leave and scatter. 

6. Every evil voice assigned to turn my glory to shame, today I silence you forever in the name of Jesus. 

7. Every spirit of envy and jealousy that is aiming my glory, today I command you to fall and die.

8. Every garment of shame and disgrace that wants to turn my destiny into a struggle, I bind you; I command you to die by fire. 

9. Every devil’s agent that has been assigned to hunt me in my dreams, today I command you to fall and die in the name of Jesus. 

10. Every garment of shame and disgrace that has stripped me naked in my dreams, today I rebuke you and I command you to die by fire. 

11. Every garment of shame and disgrace that wants to expose my sexual weaknesses, today I bind you; I nullify you; I render you helpless and powerless over my life and command you to die by fire. 

12. Every garment of shame and disgrace that wants to expose my marriage/relationship weakness, today I bind you I nullify you; I render you helpless and powerless over my life and command you to die by fire. 

13. Every garment of shame and disgrace that wants to expose my career weakness, today I bind you; I nullify you; I render you helpless and powerless over my life and command you to die by fire. 

14. Every garment of shame and disgrace, that wants to expose my children’s weakness, today I bind you; I command you to die by fire. 

15. Every garment of shame and disgrace, that wants to expose my business weakness, today I bind you; I command you to die by fire. 

16. Every garment of shame and disgrace, that wants to expose my spiritual weakness, today I bind you; I command you to die by fire. 

17. Every garment of shame and disgrace, that wants to expose my spouse’s/partner’s weakness, today I bind you; I command you to die by fire. 

18. Every garment of shame and disgrace, that wants to expose my financial weakness, today I bind you; I command you to die by fire. 

19. Every garment of shame and disgrace, that wants to expose my family weakness today I bind you; I command you to die by fire. 

20. Today, I decree and declare I claim back my garment of grace in the name of Jesus. 

21. Today, Jehovah God cloth me with a new garment of success in the name of Jesus.

22. Today, I decree and declare I claim that I shall walk in new favour like never before in Jesus name. 

23. Today, I give God all the Glory for restoration of all the years that the enemy had destroyed. 

24. Today, I decree and declare that I am blessed and highly favoured in the name of Jesus Christ. 



Every Wall of Impossibility Must Come Down! Join Me Prophet Climate for 7 Days of Power, 7 Days of Breakthrough, 7 Days of Miracles, 7 Days of Wonders, & 7 Days of Tremendous Growth. Mark the Date & Get Ready for 7 Instructions that will unlock 7 Uncommon Blessings In Your Life! 


Yours In Prophecy, 

Prophet Climate

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