This Is The Spirit That Has Been Killing Your Destiny & Robbing All Your Joy … You Must Stop It Now Before It’s Too Late!

Dear Child of God,

At the beginning of this month I sent you a prophetic word, that it shall be the month of good news. Since then testimonies have been flooding in every week of more and more good news. But I want to let you know that even if you are still waiting for good news, before the end of this month it shall show up in Jesus name.  

Here is just one of many of the testimonies I have been receiving: 


Dear Prophet, as you prophesied this month is the month of good news, I just received good news, I just received miracle money now. The bank sent me a cheque of £11,000! I give God the Glory. As soon as the cheque clears I will give my tithe and transfer your share into your account. I thank God for your life and for being my spiritual father. – M.J. London, UK

As your prophet, I decree before the end of the month, you shall have good news to share! May the God who refreshes our souls send you a messenger from far with good news in Jesus name. 

Now if you’ve been tuning in with us for the past few weeks, there’s something else we have been dealing with. For every time when God assigns good news to your camp, this alerts the spiritual birds of prey to come and try and snatch it away. 

Last night during our weekly Prayer Conference Call, we discovered one of the most dangerous elements of the birds of prey. It is this spirit that caused Elijah, a powerful man of God who called fire from heaven, to quit on his destiny and be taken up to heaven. It’s what caused Moses to miss out on the promise land after journeying through the desert for 40 years. It’s what caused King Saul to lose his kingship to someone else better than him. 

Yes, it is the spirit of self-doubt. You see there are different types of doubt but self-doubt is the most dangerous because it turns you against yourself. The whole world can stand against you but when God’s on your side none of that matters. But when you begin to doubt yourself, there’s nothing God can do. 

Child of God, this spiritual weapon of the enemy has been used from the beginning of time. It was there in the garden of Eden, when satan made Eve doubt the words of God. He made her question everything and as a result she forfeited her destiny. 


This spirit of self-doubt is the thing that has been killing your miracles, it has been killing your potential, it has been killing everything about your life. Many marriages have been abandoned because of it, many businesses have failed because of it. It causes you to begin to question yourself, to begin to question God, to question if you did the right thing. You become insecure, feeling threatened by others around you. 

I have seen many people that started well, God called them into ministry, or marriage, or a business, or some other good status. And they believed God initially but then all of a sudden, they begin to hesitate, they begin to question themselves. Suddenly there is confusion and insecurity; they begin to waver. 

You see, self-doubt is like an abortion pill. It aborts your career, it aborts your God-given destiny. 

Child of God, I saw your enemies playing a wind instrument; they were sending waves of self-doubt towards you. With every wave, you begin to have thoughts that you’re not good enough. You’re not good enough for your partner, you’re not good enough for your calling, you’re not good enough for your career, etc. This spirit wants to steal and take away your destiny. It wants to rob you your happiness, your joy, your marriage, your calling; it wants to steal your business, your finances, your potential, your future, and your destiny! But today! Every arrow of self-doubt that has been fired from the realms of darkness in order to frustrate you, in order to cause confusion, unbelief and suspicion, to make you give up, stumble and get stuck, I rebuke it in Jesus name.  


I don’t want you to miss your destiny like Elijah. I don’t want you to spend years walking with God and never receive the end of your faith. Consistency is the key to breakthrough. And that is why you must join me Tonight! 

If you allow this spirit, it will drive you out of your promised land, it will drive you out from what God has intended for you. You must determine that you will not allow it to steal anymore from you in Jesus name! 

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

Yes right now I need you to send me your prayer agreement form of all the areas of your life you have been afflicted by this spirit of self-doubt. Send me the areas where you know you have been beating yourself up, where you need confidence, where you need to be more secure. I’m going to lay them on the altar tonight and intercede for you, that every spirit of self-doubt will be uprooted once and for all in Jesus name!

I also feel in my spirit you need to build up an altar with God according to Isaiah 41:10. You could also give a double portion or whatever you can afford so long as it is in faith. But for many of you, who you know I have been speaking directly to your heart, this is the issue you have been praying for God to deliver you from. This is the problem you have been facing for too many years. It’s time now once and for all to overcome. God has got greater and better things up ahead. But you have to defeat this spirit and begin to rely on His grace instead. So go ahead and do that now, I am waiting! 

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Remember you can give with your card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form.  

You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest LLOYDS BANK


ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministries


SORT CODE: 30-91-91


IBAN: GB24LOYD30919132472768




Please note if you are sending your special Offering via Money Gram or Western Union the name has been changed to Jennifery Lanyero, 93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ, UK


(This is my personal assistant. Due to my schedule; she will collect your donation on my behalf)


Connect With Me Live Tonight @8PM UK Time on


Yours In Prophecy, 

Prophet Climate

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